Step 1: Run the uninstaller of Solutery Program
Step 2: Choose the Solutery Program you wish to uninstall
Step 3: Complete the uninstall Process
You may need to uninstall the Solutery Program. The purpose for that is to prevent any problems when it comes to updating to the latest version.
Step 1: Run the uninstaller of Solutery Program
Click Start or Windows located on the lower left on the desktop or left side of the taskbar. View all recent apps and look for Solutery.
Note: On Windows 7, click start and view all programs. Look for the Solutery folder and click uninstall. For windows 8 you can click the Solutery program icon, right click, open file location and click the uninstall application.
Step 2: Choose the Solutery Program you wish to uninstall
Click uninstall, once you locate the program to uninstall.
A pop up box will appear.
Step 3: Complete the uninstall Process
Select “YES”
Click “OKAY” to complete uninstall.