Yes, you heard it right! Now you can build your own music library for free with the best streaming music recorder. It turns any online music to the MP3 file with a single click. The recorded files will up to 320kbp/s or lossless WAV.
When you record any music from online streming sites. This software captures all the information about the music including the title ,artist and the album name.Each recorded mp3 file name of song’s title.Other software don’tprovide these infomation’s and save the audio file as Trakc 1,Track 2 etc.which then need to be edited and saved manually.
You don’t have to raise the volume of music during the recording process. software makes use CAC Technology which directly records the music from the core audio making the quality of the audio very high.
When you use a free account in music services such as Spotify(or Rdio) then you will heard the short ads that play every once in a while.Our tool aims to wipe off these annoying ads which also get recorded during a streaming session.In this case,you will only get music/song files without any ad audio file on your computer.
With the use of this software you can now easily create your favorite ringtone by just cutting certain part of the music.It is easy to use and is completely use friendly.
If you have a new computer with high resolution,this software is definitely for you.We have designed our software with Adaptive Layouts that means no matter what your screen resolution is,it can fit your screen perfectly while other old software only show as terrible small on your screen.
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